A blog full of randomness; about anything and everything.

Friday, 31 July 2009


Today I think I should waffle about the sheer awesomeness of Camping (only briefly as I have to get on with packing!). The first reason is the tent. It's lke a pod of awesomness. A bed where you won't get injured if you should fall out of it. A bed that you can just launch yourself into when drunk without climbing being involved. And a bed that most certainly doesn't creak! And if camping in winter you don't need a fridge to keep your strongbow in - the tent will do it for you!!

Next is being outside. You can hear the birds singing and have an excuse to get covered in mud without getting complaints! And it is incredibly satisfying to sit in your tent listening to the rain hammer down outside!

Also you have legitimate reason for smelling and looking like you've been dragged through a hedge backwards!

Then there are campfires, toasting marshmallows and midnight feasts. And lots of other awesomeness that I have not got time to spout about!
Also I have now finished the plushie mentioned in the previous blog and he has travelled many miles across the country and is now happily in his new home with his new owner. So here he is doing a headstand!! (Although I shall probably get told off for mentioning that now!!)
Next I shall be making myself a handbag :D And also fill up my new crafty bag so I can reclaim my bedroom floor from all my kit!


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